Work consists of metal ladders and a round pool filled with used motor oil. The specific quality of the used liquid – petroleum product, opens up multiple levels of interpretation, as a global vision of a polluted environment and consumer society whose future uncertainly floats dependent on big businesses and available energy resources. Tensions and commotions are continued in the visual registry of the pools. The dark
mirror focuses on the tricks of perception, the illusionistic relations of object and
image. With its density and the disorienting shiny surface, it takes away the feeling of depth. Simultaneous with capturing the flexible reflections of the surroundings, it also simulates the continuance of the object itself within the actually very shallow pool. The dynamics of dissolving positive into negative, present and absent space, constant redefining of two and three dimensions, activates the fourth one, the time dimension that reaches across the object/reality, towards the unreal irrational spaces.
The work was produced for the group exhibition
Paso Doble, at the Gallery of
Multimedia Cultural Center Split (organized by the
Croatian Association of Visual Artists), Split, Croatia in 2008.