The series of works in which are used usable objects associated with a certain space and its users is continued through this work, which refers to the past use of Lauba’s space and the time when the current gallery space housed the Zagreb Textile Mill. Identical rubber pieces were used to cover up the machinery used in the textile factory's time. Rubber is used as a means to turn a usable object into an artistic one. Even though the object is barely discernible, its age and signs of wear and tear point to its original use, which an informed viewer can naturally presume and bring into connection with the exhibition space. Even though, to a certain extent, this is not of crucial importance. What is more important is the process through which a certain object was found, and what the viewer is perceiving: a clean, new situation that points to the questions related to the artistic nature of the exhibited object, as well as those asking what the object really became through these actions.
The series of works were first produced for the solo exhibition at the Kristofor Stanković Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia in 2007. The series was adjusted for the solo exhibition at the
Lauba – People and Art House, Zagreb, Croatia in 2011.